• [잡담] 냐토렌 다운 관련2014.09.04 AM 12:54

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기
LINK : //forums.fuwanovel.org/index.php?/topic/6261-nyaa-torrents-down/

(사진은 냐토렌 IRC)

As a lot of you have noticed, all releases from HorribleSubs that were released since yesterday have had broken torrent links or no torrents at all. The reason for this is because currently Nyaa, HorribleSubs and many other anime sites are currently being attacked. We speculate this is a legal DDOS attack from the Japanese government (no details yet, do not ask me about this I am just relaying information from my sunbae’s/senpai’s). I will work as hard as I can to bring up the releases even with this huge ruckus going on. We at HorribleSubs are still releasing CrunchyRoll rips but just not in Torrent form. With that being said, Torrents that are NOT submitted under the HorribleSubs name on TokyoToshokan (namely the ones with the links of “Torrentcaching) ARE NOT submitted by us. We ONLY plan to use Nyaa as our main tracker and we will release the torrents once everything calms down.
I will be providing DDLs for these releases like usual but this is just a reminder that the torrents are not endorsed by us and we advise you to be careful when using them (Always double check the file and etc). If you would like to download our releases via XDCC please visit #HorribleSubs on Rizon. Until then I hope you guys understand that we currently have a lot on our plates and releases may be delayed, broken, and other frustrations may occur. We hope that everything calms down and returns to normal by the end of today.
Any questions feel free to ask below and I’ll answer them when I have time.
Anime fighting!!!

어찌된 건지 설왕설래가 많은데, 결국 일본발로 추정되는 대규모 DDOS 공격으로 서버에 과부하가 걸린 탓인가 봄.
댓글 : 4 개
도서관쪽도 그렇죠
도서관은 이용하는데 별문제 없는
허.. 일본정부가 샀다는 얘기가 있길래 그런갑다했는데.. 디도스 공격이면 나중에 복구되겠네요?
냐토에서 SNS로 아베관련 비하발언을 했기 때문에
빡친 2ch 극우꼴통들이 디도스 공격했다는 루머가 있습니다
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