• [모던워페어2] 모던워페어2의 S.S.D.D. 병사 잡담 대사2021.12.04 PM 10:34

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기


내용 출처: 모던2 첫 미션의 S.S.D.D. 미션 스크립트 (trainer.ff via ff viewer 3.0)

/ level endon( "end_sequence_starting" );
/ flag_set( "pit_dialogue_starting" );
/ conversation_orgs_pit = getentarray( "conversation_orgs_pit", "targetname" );

/ //Ranger 2/ Whatever, I beat Mason's time by six seconds yesterday.
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_masonstime" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 1 Yeah, I roll through this joint with the Desert Eagle./
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar1_deserteagle" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 2 Yeah? I roll through this joint with yo mamma!/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_yomamma" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ /
/ //Ranger 1 Very funny dickwad. You thought of that one all by yourself huah?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar1_veryfunny" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 2 You guys ever run the course with the movers on max speed?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_maxspeed" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 3 Hell no. We don't get enough trigger time for that kind of accuracy man./
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar3_triggertime" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 1 Yeah, who you kiddin'? Only Delta gets that kind of practice, huah?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar1_onlydelta" );

/ dialogue_pit_wait();

/ //Ranger 2/ Go home and take your girlfriend out. Cuz you're here for four more months. I'll take care of her dude! I'll check in on her. Is that alright?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_takecareofyourgf" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();

/ //Ranger 2 Huah. Keating says he saw some D-boys take the course with the movers on max speed with double civvies. /
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_keatingsays" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 4 Yeah I was there - headshot, headshot, headshot. Those guys are badass man.
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );/
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_headshot" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 4 Except one guy had a mohawk, spoke with a funny accent. British or somethin'. /
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_funnyaccent" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 1 SAS cross-trainin' with our Delta boys?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar1_crosstraining" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 4 Maybe. That guy rolled the course in eight point two-six. Made our D-boys look like they were movin' in slow motion./
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_slowmotion" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 3 Damn, man, that is goood./
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar3_thatisgood" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 4 There was this other dude, guy with a ski mask with a skull painted on it. Eight point two-eight, usin' a 1911.
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );/
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_skimask" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 4 I'm tellin' you...that guy was frickin' weird man?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_weirdman" );

/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 2/ I dunnno man, marching off into the desert in a two man team like that, no support. . . ./
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_twomanteam" );

/ dialogue_pit_wait();
/ //Ranger 2/ Those dudes, they get killed, and like nobody even knows. . . Nobody knows: Nobody knows where they're going or where they're coming from. It's crazy. I can't even- I don't know. My wife would freak out. That's probably why most of them aren't even marrie/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar2_wifewouldfreak" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();

/ //God how dumb are you guys?/
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_howdumb" );
/ dialogue_pit_wait();

/ //Honestly? I could fight anybody in this platoon./
/ org = getclosest( level.player.origin, conversation_orgs_pit );
/ org play_sound_in_space( "train_ar4_fightanybody" );

/ {
/ /*-----------------------
/ -------------------------*//
/ //Ranger 2/ / Get off the court dude./ train_ar2_getoffcourt
/ level.scr_sound[ "court_nag_00" ] = "train_ar2_getoffcourt";

/ //Ranger 2/ / Come on man, wait your turn./
/ level.scr_sound[ "court_nag_01" ] = "train_ar2_waityourturn";

/ //Ranger 2/ / Allen, what the hell?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "court_nag_02" ] = "train_ar2_allenwhatthe";

/ //Yeah that guy was my C. O./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_myco";
/ //Yeah he got taken out./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_takenout";/ /
/ //Yeah you should see my truck, I got a dually./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_truck";/ /
/ //Yeah, I can haul? pretty big loads./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_canhaul";/ /
/ //Dude you love big loads./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_lovebigloads";/ /
/ //I'm joking! Everybody take it easy./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_joking";/ /
/ //There are times when I wake up in the morning and think... You know what? I could probably dodge bullets? like that movie./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_dodgebullets";/ /
/ //No, not that movie, the one with the?./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_notthatmovie";/ /
/ //? yeah "Cats and Dogs"./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_catsanddogs";/ /
/ //Dude you know what's great about this place? Nobody minds if you're high./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_nobodyminds";/ /
/ //Nobody can tell if your high if you're wearing shades, that's the whole point of shades./
/ //level.scr_sound[ "conversation_xx" ][ xx ] = "train_ar4_shades";/ /

/ /*-----------------------
/ -------------------------*//
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 3/ Hey man, you get the word? Boon bugged out./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 0 ] = "train_ar3_boonbugged";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 4/ AWOL? Man he's going to miss the party./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 1 ] = "train_ar4_awol";

/ //Ranger 2/ Get those letters? See those letters?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 2 ] = "train_ar2_getthoseletters";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 5/ Yeah word came down from the Captain in G-2. /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 3 ] = "train_ar5_wordcame";

/ //Ranger 2/ I ain't worried about them mines? worried about them damn camel spiders./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 4 ] = "train_ar2_camelspiders";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 1/ Yeah, maybe if we had some batteries for our PEQ-4's (pr. Peck fours) we wouldn't be in this situation./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 5 ] = "train_ar1_somebatteries";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 2/ Supply company coming in at oh eight hundred.../
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 6 ] = "train_ar2_0800";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 6/ Fine, but don't push our luck. I've got the Sergeant-Major up my ass about this./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 7 ] = "train_ar1_pushourluck";

/ //Man you shoot like a girl. Look at you./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 8 ] = "train_ar4_likeagirl";/ /
/ //Look how you hold your gun. You look like you're in the civil war./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 9 ] = "train_ar4_holdgun";/ /

/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 7/ Gotta secure that turret plating before we roll out. /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 10 ] = "train_ar2_secureturret";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 8/ Roger that, Sar-Major./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 11 ] = "train_ar3_sarmajor";

/ //Ranger 2/ It's the one bad thing about being up front- no women./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 12 ] = "train_ar2_nowomen";
/ //Ranger 2/ Who's got watch tonight?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 13 ] = "train_ar2_watchtonight";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 15/ BCT-1 rolled out at oh-four hundred across the bridge./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 14 ] = "train_ar5_rolledout";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 16/ Total B.S. man...we get stuck here while BCT-1 gets all the action./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 15 ] = "train_ar1_alltheaction";

/ //Ranger 2/ I tell ya . . . I hear that- you guys sleepin'? I hear that crap going off at night I can't sleep. I don't think I've slept in like six months./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 16 ] = "train_ar2_icantsleep";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 17/ Gaskets are blown. Need new plugs too./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 17 ] = "train_ar2_newplugs";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 18/ Where the hell did you get that?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 18 ] = "train_ar3_getthat";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 23/ Keep it to yourself, Jackson./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 19 ] = "train_ar3_toyourself";
/ //Ranger 2/ So wait dude, combat jack? What the hell is that? Are you crazy? Like in the middle of a battle?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 20 ] = "train_ar2_combatjack";
/ //Ranger 2/ Hey, hey Donnie. I might need some help back here. It's a two man job./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 21 ] = "train_ar2_twomanjob";
/ //Ranger 5/ /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 22 ] = "train_ar5_laugh1";

/ //You should have seen these local cops we had to train. Some of these guys were total yahoos./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 23 ] = "train_ar4_traincops";/ /
/ //It's like the show up in track suits expecting to shoot people in the face. I don't know what these guys were thinking./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 24 ] = "train_ar4_tracksuits";/ /
/ //Nah, these guys were like kids most of them? they're like.. You know, shooting their neighbors and then all of a sudden they want to be policemen. It's ridiculous./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_01" ][ 25 ] = "train_ar4_ridiculous";

/ /*-----------------------
/ -------------------------*//

/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 21/ No ammo, no armor./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 0 ] = "train_ar1_noammo";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 22/ That's why I'm a cold-blooded carnivorous warrior, bro./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 1 ] = "train_ar2_coldblooded";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 9/ It's like watching a monkey trying to screw a football./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 2 ] = "train_ar4_monkey";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 10/ /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 3 ] = "train_ar5_laugh1";

/ //Ranger 2/ Can't sleep- dust, sand. I just wanna go home./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 4 ] = "train_ar2_wannagohome";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 11/ Get over to the motor pool and give Hunter Two a hand with that jam on the Mark-19, huah?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 5 ] = "train_ar1_motorpool";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 12/ Since when does a //Ranger get paid to sit on his ass?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 6 ] = "train_ar2_getpaid";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 13/ Check mate, bitch./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 7 ] = "train_ar3_checkmate";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 14/ Saw that coming. Weak, man!/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 8 ] = "train_ar4_weakman";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 30/ You guys see the Delta team that came through here yesterday?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 9 ] = "train_ar5_deltateam";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 31/ Uh, I don't think those guys were Delta. /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 10 ] = "train_ar1_dontthink";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 32/ I'm pretty sure some of them were from Delta. Except maybe that dude with the freaky mask./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 11 ] = "train_ar2_freakymask";

/ //Ranger 2/ Hey, anybody seen my duffel?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 12 ] = "train_ar2_seenmyduffel";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 33/ I remember that guy?totally non-regulation man./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 13 ] = "train_ar3_nonregulation";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 34/ Ya think? What about that dude with the mohawk?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 14 ] = "train_ar4_yathink";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 35/ Bender says he saw that mohawk guy bitchslap the D-boys on the shooting course./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 15 ] = "train_ar5_bendersays";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 36/ BS man. Nobody's faster than Delta. Nobody./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 16 ] = "train_ar1_nobody";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 37/ These guys were man, I'm tellin' ya./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 17 ] = "train_ar2_tellinya";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 38/ Whatever dude...Bender says a lot of things./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 18 ] = "train_ar3_bendersaysalot";

/ //Ranger 2/ You know, whatever. Jerk./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 19 ] = "train_ar2_whateverjerk";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 39/ You got any chocolate covered raisins in your MRE?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 20 ] = "train_ar4_raisins";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 40/ Yeah./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 21 ] = "train_ar5_yeah";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 41/ Fork 'em over man, I'll trade ya for these curry packets./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 22 ] = "train_ar1_forkemover";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 42/ Sweet. Thanks man. I love this stuff./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 23 ] = "train_ar2_thanksman";

/ //Ranger 2/ How's your family doing?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 24 ] = "train_ar2_howsyourfamily";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 43/ Better put your blood type on your shoelaces./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 25 ] = "train_ar3_bloodtype";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 44/ Yeah, that's what the D-boys do. /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 26 ] = "train_ar4_dboysdo";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 47/ Make sure you get a box of tracers. /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 27 ] = "train_ar2_boxoftracers";

/ //Ranger 2/ Oh, oh that's. . . That's good. Oh. Yeah. Alright. Alright bro. You gotta sleep sometime./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 28 ] = "train_ar2_sleepsometime";

/ //Honestly, I can not take the taste of sand anymore./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 29 ] = "train_ar4_tasteofsand";/ /
/ //There is sand in every single orafice on my body, it's unbelievable./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 30 ] = "train_ar4_sandyorafice";/ /
/ //I swear to god I am crapping sand now./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_02" ][ 31 ] = "train_ar4_crapsand";/ /
/ /*-----------------------
/ -------------------------*//
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 50/ Anyone see the grease for the Mark 19 turret? I'm trying to fix the turret ring./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 0 ] = "train_ar5_fixturret";

/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 53/ Anyone hear back from BCT-1 yet?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 1 ] = "train_ar3_bct1";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 54/ Hey Troy, you gotta pack of smokes? /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 2 ] = "train_ar4_packasmokes";

/ //Ranger 2/ D'you get that stuff from yer mom?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 3 ] = "train_ar2_stufffrommom";

/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 55/ /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 4 ] = "train_ar5_laugh3";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 48/ Load one tracer three rounds before the end of your mag. That way you'll know ahead of time to reload./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 5 ] = "train_ar3_onetracer";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 49/ Cool idea man, never thought of that./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 6 ] = "train_ar4_coolidea";

/ //Came home and his old lady was shacked up with some other guy./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 7 ] = "train_ar4_oldlady";/ /
/ //I don't wish that on anybody/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 8 ] = "train_ar4_dontwish";/ /
/ //Ranger 2/ Yo! Who took my water?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 9 ] = "train_ar2_tookmywater";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 51/ Hey, I need an extra mag for the two-forty. You got one?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 10 ] = "train_ar1_extramag";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 52/ Huah, I got five. Knock yourself out./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 11 ] = "train_ar2_gotfive";

/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 45/ You wanna live, you do what they do./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 12 ] = "train_ar5_wannalive";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 46/ Huah./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 13 ] = "train_ar1_huah";

/ //Ranger 2/ Hey you guys wanna give me a hand over here?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 14 ] = "train_ar2_givemeahand";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 24/ Hey Marks, you ever see a grown man naked?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 15 ] = "train_ar4_grownman";
/ //Ranger 5/ training/ 14/ 25/ /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 16 ] = "train_ar5_laugh2";
/ //Ranger 1/ training/ 14/ 26/ Careful Booker, don't encourage him./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 17 ] = "train_ar1_carefulbooker";
/ //Ranger 2/ training/ 14/ 27/ We're on a tight schedule here, ell-tee./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 18 ] = "train_ar2_tightschedule";
/ //Ranger 3/ training/ 14/ 28/ No kidding. Colonel Shepherd's been breathing down my neck about the AVLB but it's just too slow for rapid-response./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 19 ] = "train_ar3_tooslow";
/ //Ranger 4/ training/ 14/ 29/ Well, you'd better figure out something Lieutenant, or we're swimming across that river./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 20 ] = "train_ar4_swimming";
/ //Ranger 2/ You see those Delta guys? Yeah, man. That was crazy. Dude with the beard- that's the gig I want. Except. . . Not really. /
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 21 ] = "train_ar2_seedeltaguys";
/ //Ranger 2/ Can't wait 'til we get back to supply camp. She was hot./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 22 ] = "train_ar2_shewashot";

/ //Hey man you still gay?/
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 23 ] = "train_ar4_stillgay";/ /
/ //I'm kidding./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 24 ] = "train_ar4_kidding";/ /
/ //Don't ask don't tell bro./
/ level.scr_sound[ "conversation_03" ][ 25 ] = "train_ar4_dontaskdonttell";/ /

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