• [모던워페어2] 모던워페어2 개발자용 설정 메모2021.12.17 PM 01:01

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기


내용 출처: Modern Warfare 2\developer.cfg via jeykll

참고 자료: https://tcrf.net/Call_of_Duty:_Modern_Warfare_2_(Windows)/Debug_Material

메모장으로 내용 확인이 가능하며 아마 모던2들의 디버깅용

설정인 것으로 추정.

아래는 개발자 명령어를 사용가능한 실행파일을 덮어 씌운뒤 실행한 모습.

f1을 눌러 별도의 디버거를 열 수 있음.

몇 가지의 광원 디버그 명령어들의 적용 모습

r_fullbright 1


'shift' 키 +  '~' 키

cfg 파일 내용값. 프리 알파 영상들을 보았을때 

아마 개발자들이 개발자용 개발 키트로 디버깅 작업할 때

아래의 키 설정값(bind)으로 진행한 것으로 추정. 

// ** Graphics **
bind i toggle r_showtris 2 0
bind ] toggle r_showtris 1 0
bind j toggle r_showtricounts 1 0
bind o toggle r_fullbright 1 0
bind . toggle r_fullbright 1 0
bind u toggle cg_drawmaterial 1 0
bind v toggle cg_draw2d 0 1
bind , toggle r_normalmaps flat unchanged
bind [ toggle fx_enable 0 1
bind f11 "toggle fx_profile 0 1; toggle cg_drawHUD 0 1"

// ** Game **
bind b cg_ufo
bind c god
bind pause toggle cl_paused 0 1
bind p toggle cl_paused 0 1
bind t toggle timescale 1 5
bind y toggle timescale 1 0.1
bind q toggle timescale 1 0.3
bind n ufo
bind \ map_restart
//NEW, brings up a Start menu UI so we unbind these keys to make it easier to use
bind f10 "set debug_start 1; unbind DOWNARROW; unbind UPARROW"

// ** Macros **
// hides stuff that makes screenshots look worse
bind z "toggle cg_draw2d 0 1; toggle cg_drawbreathhint 0 1; toggle cg_drawcrosshair 0 1; toggle cg_drawfps 0 1; toggle cg_drawgun 0 1; toggle cg_drawhud 0 1; toggle cg_drawmantlehint 0 1; toggle cg_drawpaused 0 1; toggle cg_drawperformancewarnings 0 1; toggle cg_drawplayerposinfreemove 0 1; toggle cg_drawshellshock 0 1; toggle cg_drawturretcrosshair 0 1; toggle cg_drawversion 0 1"
// zoomes in and hides the world
//bind 5 "toggle r_drawWorld 1 0; r_clearColor .25 .25 .25 1; r_clearColor2 .25 .25 .25 1; toggle cg_draw2d 1 0; toggle cg_drawHUD 1 0;toggle cg_fov 10 65;toggle r_drawBModels;toggle r_drawSModels;toggle r_forceLod 0 4"

// ** Sound **
bind pgdn toggle snd_drawinfo 0 1 2 3
bind pgup toggle snd_draw3d 2 0
bind 1 profile_setVolume 0
bind 2 profile_setVolume 0.25
bind 3 profile_setVolume 0.6
bind 4 profile_setVolume 0.8
bind 5 toggle profile_setVolume 0 0.8

// ** AI **
bind g toggle g_entinfo 5 4 0
bind h toggle g_entinfo 1 2 0
bind m toggle g_entinfo_AIText 2 3 4 0 1
bind ' toggle g_entinfo_type 2 1 0
bind k toggle ai_shownearbynodes 0 64
bind l toggle ai_shownodes 0 1
bind semicolon toggle ai_showpaths 0 1
bind del toggle ai_showVolume -1 1
bind / toggle debug_colornodes on off
// kills the AI. Turns off ragdoll for a moment because otherwise the framerate takes a big hit.
bind x "ragdoll_enable 0; set debug_nuke on; wait 3; ragdoll_enable 1"

// ** Geo **
bind home toggle r_lockpvs 1 0
bind end toggle r_showportals 0 1 2

// ** Configs and Tools **
bind f4 devgui
bind f2 exec developer
bind f3 exec robotg
bind f5 give ammo
bind f6 fast_restart
bind f7 "set tweak 1; map_restart; exec devgui_fog"
bind f8 toggle animsound on off
bind f9 exec createFX

// ** Replays **
bind - replay_back 10
bind leftarrow replay_back 10
bind 0 replay_back 3
bind uparrow replay_back 3
bind 6 replay_mark
bind kp_minus replay_mark
bind 8 replay_live
bind downarrow replay_live
bind rightarrow replay_forward 10
bind backspace replay_restart
bind kp_plus replay_goto
bind 7 replay_goto

// transparent hud is for flashy release feature, not useful dev tool
set con_outputwindowcolor 0.32 0.35 0.36 1

// display the current level progression time
set replay_time 1

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