• [피규어] Cosplay Doujinshi : World First Swordman2013.03.23 AM 12:38

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LINK : //onesixthrepublic.blogspot.kr/2013/03/cosplay-doujinshi-16-world-first.html

Cosplay Doujinshi: 1/6 World first swordsman

Product des!cripion:

1: Robes * 1
2: Pants * 1
3: Strap * 1
4: Boots * 1
5: Metal earrings * 3 (Pre-order gifts: " The bite the heads" also attached three metal earrings. A total of six.)
6: Scabbard * 3
7: Knife * 3 (metal)
8: Belt * 1
9: The headscarves * 110: Verisimilitude head carved * 1
11: Muscle body * 1
12: Hand * 6

Pre-order gifts: The bite the heads carved * 1

아주 낯익으면서 낯선 캐릭터군요..

실사판이 나오면 이런 느낌일까요?

마지막은 예약 특전 헤드 조형입니다..

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