• [잡담] 짱개의 역습2012.05.22 AM 08:21

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기
LINK : //www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=2728&query=view&p=1&my=&category=&sort=PID&orderby=&where=&name=&subject=&content=&keyword=&sterm=&iskin

"an exploit was discovered by duplicating a session ID
basically, if you join a public game with people, they can view your session ID and spoof it to login as you without need for a password or email or anyting
if you play with people, try not to play in public games bro, only with people you know"

A FB friend that enjoys forums where people like to hack video games, decided to tell me. If this is possible try to figure out how to put an end to it.

북미 포럼에서 퍼옴니다. 지금 헤킹 되는이유가 컴퓨터에 있는 키로거로 하는게 아니라 , 공방에 들어가면 상대방 계정
정보 빼내서 그계정 헤킹 하는 방법이 있는 모양이내요.

내용 발췌

서버 프로그래머 빅똥을 싸놨구만.
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저게 사실이면 블쟈 책임이네.
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