• [포뮬러1 월드] F1 벨기에 그랑프리 주간 : 레이스 가이드2023.07.26 PM 12:09

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기
LINK : https://twitter.com/pirellisport



Formula 1 MSC Cruises Belgian Grand Prix 2023 – Spa-Francorchamps Preview. Number of laps: 44. Race distance: 308.052. Circuit length: 7.004km. Lap record: 1:46.286 (Valtteri Bottas, 2018). Compounds present: White Hard C2, Yellow Medium C3, Red Soft C4. Ratings on a scale of 1 (Low) to 5 (High) as follows: Traction, 4. Tyre Stress, 5. Asphalt grip, 3. Braking, 4. Asphalt abrasion, 4. Lateral, 5. Track evolution, 3. Downforce, 2. Lateral tyre energy levels on a scale of 1 to 5: Front left, 4; Front right, 4; Rear left, 5; Rear right, 5. Longitudinal tyre energy levels: Front left, 1; Front right, 1; Rear left, 4; Rear right, 3. EOS camber limit is minus 2.75 degrees on the front and minus 1.5 degrees on the rear. Minimum starting pressures on slicks are 25psi on the front and 23psi on the rear, subject to changes after FP2.

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