• [Music&Video] Bon Iver - Perth2012.02.23 AM 10:40

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

퍼스는 어떤 느낌의 도시인가?

I ʼm tearing up, across your face
Move dust through the light
To fide your name
It's something fane
This is not a place
Not yet awake, I’m raised of make

still alive who you, love
still alive who you, love
still alive who you, love

In a mother out a moth
Furling forests, for the soft
Gotta know been lead aloft
So I’m ridding all your stories
What I know, what it is, it's pouring wire it up!
You’re breaking your ground.
댓글 : 3 개
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