• [→ Ez2Dj-Max] ♬ 디제이 맥스 포터블 2 - Another Day2014.08.21 PM 01:47

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

♬ Another Day
- Forte Escape

close your eyes and feel the wind from deep inside of memories
seems so far away from finding secretes

I saw a flower in my dreams and there was no more seasons
now I wonder it's a reality

where is the place that I can take my heart to go and catch the reason
of the calmness i'll be waiting for the sign

(this time is for my heart)

heart will go another day and tell your soul to be blazing sun
then the lights of time will cross over my eyes, over my eyes

heart will go another day and tells my soul to be falling star
then the stream of life will send me higher
to the end..

* 5버튼 하드믹스 플레이

* 풀버전 듣기 (오리지널 믹스)

♬ 게임셰프의 [Ez2Dj & DjMax Portable] OST 모음 ♬ (클릭! 계속 업뎃 됩니다!)
댓글 : 6 개
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