• [→ Ez2Dj-Max] ♬ 이지투디제이 3rd - In a Nutshell2014.11.21 PM 02:17

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

"In a nutshell" 뜻은 "간단히 말하자면", "짧게 말하면", "축약하자면"이라는 의미.

♬ In a Nutshell
- Ruby Tuesday

I want to make you happy
I want you right here with me
I want to show you now all of my love, girl
I want you here beside me
I want to hold you to me
I want to give you now all of my love until the morning comes

I see you face most everyplace I look at here your choice
I'm so alone down to the bone and waiting for a sign
Where do you go? I want to know so I can find you there
Don't run away cause I will stay until I make you mine
I see your smile and for a while I am flying
I'm on my knees and saying please be mine

I want to make you happy
I want you right here with me
I want to show you now all of my love, girl
I want you here beside me
I want to hold you to me
I want to give you now all of my love until the morning comes

So many days so many ways to make you satisfied
But I'm aware that you're not there, you say I'm just a friend
But yet I know it can be so 'cause you were made for me
and I'm for you so make it true until the bitter end
You look at me and suddenly I'm in heaven
I'm on my knees and saying please be mine

I want to make you happy
I want to tell you truy
I'm gonna let you know all that I feel girl
I want to hold you closer
I want to love you deeper
I want to give you now all that I have until the morning comes

* 풀버전 듣기

* 하드모드 플레이 (Ez2Dj Online)

♬ 게임셰프의 [Ez2Dj & DjMax Portable] OST 모음 ♬ (클릭! 계속 업뎃 됩니다!)
댓글 : 5 개
이지 곡들 자주 올려주셔서 감사합니다
예 ㅎㅎ 저도 말씀주셔서 감사드릴 따름입니다. ^^
저와 비슷한 추억을 가지신 분들과 함께 즐길 수 있어 참 좋아요! ㅎㅎ
판정곡하면 떠오르는 넛쉘
유투브에 음원 올려볼까...
아 그랬나요!? 판정이 좀 이상했나 봐요?? -.-;; 기억이 가물~
게임셰프 // 아뇨 원래 구곡이 다 판정곡이에요. 저랩곡 특성상 그렇죠.
물론 저랩 고랩 나누는게 주관적이긴 하지만요.
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