• [┌ 잡담] 영작 막혔는데 도와주실분 ㅠㅠ2015.04.18 PM 10:41

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

아... 영작 진심어렵군요 ㅠㅠ

나머지는 다 해결했는데 막힌 영작 좀 도와주실분 ㅠ

'- 사장님을 뵙기위해 15일 군산을 방문하려 하였으나, 마침 **대리점에 계심. 사장님, 실장님과 친절 ***(물건이름)와의 관계에 대해 대화를 나눔. 신창은 친절에서 265사이즈 패턴을 취급하는 것에 대해 특별히 반감은 없음.

'- 265사이즈 만큼은 어느 누구에게도 주지않고 본인이 핸들링 하길 원하심. 전주지역 담당자로서 신창과 친절대리점 사이에서 큰 트러블이 발생하지 않도록, 265사이즈 주문시에 주의 요망.

'- 12R, 245 사이즈에 한해 드릴수 있는 최대 할인율을 설명드리고 주문을 독려함. 2015년 들어 첫 주문 개시. 사장님과의 대화를 통해 그동안 받은 ***(물건이름)는 현진에서 받은 것으로 추측.

'- 사장님께서 주유소와 *** 사업을 병행하려고 함. 딜러로써 갖춰야 할 요건(선입금후출고,주문시 최소 14이상, 첫 주문 30 이상)등을 설명하고 신규 대리점 오픈. 케파가 큰 딜러는 아니지만 남원지역의 유일한 딜러로 월 4-50 정도의 미들딜러로 예상.

댓글 : 2 개
- To have a meeting with the boss, I visited Gunsan on 15th date and found that he/she is at ** center. So I had a chance to talk about the relation with 친절 ***. On Sinchang' side, there was no especial claim to handle 265 size pattern by 친절.

- He/she strongly insisted that 265 size should be handled by him/her, furthermore, he asked me not to make any troubles between 신창 and 친절 while I'm doing my role as a manager of Jeonju. So, I would have to be cautious when ordering 265 size.

- I persuaded him to order by giving explanation regarding the maximum yearly discount rate for 12R, 245 size. And finally I got the first order from him/her in 2015. In accordance with the boss, he/she has been received *** by 현진.

- The boss planed to start *** business jointly with the gas station. First, I explained the requirements as a dealer, including to release upon confirming the settlement, to accept the order for requesting at least 14 ea, and to accept the first order requesting at least 30 ea, and then I helped him/her open new branch. Though it does not have enough capacity, when considering he/she is the only dealer in Namwon area, it is possible to expect to perform the level of 40 - 50 as a middle dealer.
I visited Gunsan on 15th to meet the boss but I didn't get to meet him due to his absence. I had a conversation with the chief regarding the Chinjeol product. Chief didn't show any reluctance that Chinjeol works on 265 size pattern.

The chief wanted to work on 265 size by himself. As the executive in Jeon-ju region, he also requested a caution to avoid any trouble between Sinchang and dealership.

I've encouraged the chief to place an order, after the explanation regarding the maximum discount offer on 12R, 245 size products. The first order was made in early of 2015. From my understanding from the conversation with the boss, the products seems to have been supplied by Hyunjin so far.

The boss is currently planning to run gas station and ~~~ business at same time. I've briefed him about the basic requirements that dealer must meet; (more like the condition that must be satisfied) Release must come after deposit, least amount of order must be more than 14, an amount of the first order must be more than 30. Although the KEPA is not big dealer, monthly 40~50 is expected as it is the only one dealer in Namwon city.

마지막 단락 마지막 문장 '월 4-50 정도의 미들딜러로 예상'이 어떤 의미인지 몰라서 직역했습니다.
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