• [매일 영어회화] 매일 영어회화2014.06.25 PM 09:51

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

A : I've got some valuable information but you can't tell anyone.

B : I won't tell anyone.

A : You can get rich with this information.

B : I'm all ears. What is it?

A : I've just found out that my company is being taken over.

A : Buy stocks in the company today.

A : When we are taken over the stock will be skyrocketing.


get rich : 부자 되다.

I'm all ears : 귀 기울이고 있다.

be taken over : 인수되다.

be skyrocketing : 급등하다. 치솟다.

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