• [Dubbing] 1998...2017.02.05 PM 11:32

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기



I'll never forget it. It was the year when these grisly murders occurred in the Arklay Mountains. Soon after, the news was out to the whole world revealing that it was the fault of a secret viral experiment conducted by the international pharmaceutical enterprise, Umbrella. The virus broke out in a nearby mountain community, Raccoon City, and hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow, crippling its very foundation. Not taking any chances, the President of the United States ordered a contingency plan--to sterilize Raccoon City. With the whole affair gone public, the United States government issued an indefinite suspension of business decree to Umbrella. Soon its stock prices crashed and for all intents and purposes Umbrella was finished.


Six years had passed since that horrendous incident...


I received special training via a secret organization, working under the direct control of the President. I was to assume the responsibility of protecting the new President's family.


Spanish Cop #1: "Why am I the one who always gets the short end of the stick?"


Spanish Cop #2: "Yo, who are you really?"
"Come on and tell us."


Spanish Cop #2: "You are a long way from home, cowboy,"
"You have my sympathies."


Leon S. Kennedy: "Guess that's a local's way of breaking the ice. Besides, you already know what this is all about. My assignment is to search for the President's missing daughter."


Spanish Cop #2: "What, all by yourself?"


Leon S. Kennedy: "I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing Kumbaya together at some Boy Scout bonfire"
"Then again, maybe you did."


Spanish Cop #2: "Oh, you crazy American. It's a direct order from the Chief himself. I tell you it's no picnic."


Leon S. Kennedy: "I'm counting on you guys,"


It was right before I was to take on my duties of protecting the President's daughter when she was abducted. That's the ultimate reason I'm in this lonely and rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, there's reliable information of a sighting of a girl that looks very similar to the President's daughter. Apparently she's being withheld by some unidentified group of people. Who would have thought my first job would be a rescue mission?


Spanish Cop #2: "Ah, it's freezing,"
"So cold all of a sudden."
"Ah, must be my imagination."


Spanish Cop #2: "Sorry it took so long."


Spanish Cop #1: "Just up ahead is the village."


Leon S. Kennedy: "I'll go and have a look around."


Spanish Cop #2: "We'll stay and watch the car,"
"Don't want to get any parking tickets."


Leon S. Kennedy: "Right…parking tickets."


Spanish Cop #1: "Good luck,"


Leon S. Kennedy: "Geez, who are these guys?"


Spanish Cop #1: "Did you say something?"


Ingrid Hunnigan: "Leon. I hope you can hear me."
"I'm Ingrid Hunnigan. I'll be your support on this mission."


Leon S. Kennedy: "Loud and clear."
"Somehow I thought you'd be a little older."


Leon: "So the subject name's Ashley Graham, right?"


Ingrid Hunnigan: "That's right. She's the daughter of the President."
"So try and be have yourself, okay?"


Leon S. Kennedy: "Whoever this group is, they sure picked the wrong girl to kidnap."


Ingrid Hunnigan: "I'll see if I can find more information about this group from my end as well,"


Leon S. Kennedy: "Good. Talk to you later. Leon out."

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