• [ 개잡담 ] the pillows Revival Lyrics 2012.05.18 AM 02:07

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

We walked a forest for a long time.

We passed each other with an owl.

That laughter of the animals.

I fired this gun many times.

We just went through a forest suddenly.
the pillows Revival Lyrics

There is nothing dumbly here.

On the huge white stone.

We look like lost child\'s ant.

d ・e ・l ・i ・g ・h ・t

s ・a ・d ・n ・e ・s ・s

I felt nothing any more.

I\'ll stand as the flat world now.

I won\'t wait for a morning now.

As I just open my eyes.

I\'m breathing like a machine.

What on earth happened to me?

d ・e ・l ・i ・g ・h ・t

s ・a ・d ・n ・e ・s ・s

I felt nothing any more.

I\'ll stand as the flat world now.

We found someone\'s footprint today.

My feeling moved after a long time.

This cruel world may be

the way everyone passes.

Can we start newly again?

Can we start newly again?

R ・e ・v ・i ・v ・a ・l

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