• [모던워페어2] 모던워페어2 더 이상 편한 날은 없다 미션 스크립트 메모2021.11.21 AM 10:18

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기


내용 출처: 모던2(2009)원본 oilrig.ff

협동전 화면분할 개발자 주석

스쿠바 복장 착용으로 잠수 상태시 플레이어1 의 스쿠바 소리만 나오게끔 하라는 내용.

미션 개요

잠수함 끼리의 교신 대사

미션 초반, 최하층 플랫폼에서 사살하는 독일 및 용병들의 대사.

개발 완성전에는 해당 미션이 마카로프에게 고용된

독일인들을 주축으로한 용병들이 점거한다는 내용을 가졌던 것으로 추정 

//ENEMY COMMAND (German radio): Team one patroling the perimeter. We've got two on the lower deck.
//level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_enc_lowerdeck" ] = "oilrig_enc_lowerdeck";

//ENEMY COMMAND (German radio): Switch patrols at 08:00. Teams three, five and seven will return to the crew quarters on deck 3.
//level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_enc_switchpatrols" ] = "oilrig_enc_switchpatrols";

//level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "cliff_pri_pubcrawl" ] = "cliff_pri_pubcrawl";

//MERC 1 (in German): Those unfiltered pieces of shit will kill you.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_killyou" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_killyou";

//MERC 1 (in German): Alright, give me one.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_givemeone" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_givemeone";

//MERC 2 (in German): Fuck off.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_foff" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_foff";

//MERC 1 (in German): This sea air makes me sick. Prefered the last job. Private security in a limo all day.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_limoallday" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_limoallday";

//MERC 2 (in German): You complain too much.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_complain" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_complain";

//MERC 1 (in German): yeah, well, not as much as the Italians. Who hired those lazy f■cks anyways? Did you see that one guy the other day? Didn't even know how to clean his gun.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_theitalians" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_theitalians";

//MERC 1 (in German): Yeah, too much spent on gear but no clue how to use it.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_noclue" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_noclue";

//You know what they call a cheesburger in Russian?
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_cheeseburger" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_cheeseburger";

//You've got to be kidding me. You think this is a Tarantino movie or something?
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino";

//(laughs) Alright, well at least the Russians pay well. I was hesitant to take the job till I saw the bottom line. I don't know where their financing comes from, but I don't really care either. Still...they're pretty damn secretive.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_paywell" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_paywell";

//As long as I get paid, I could care less. They can be as secretive as they like. It's none of my business what their politics are.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_careless" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_careless";

//(YAWNS) How much longer until the patrol changes. I've gotta take a piss.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange";

//***Merc 1 The Americans have a new kind of scanning device that detects movement. It attaches to their rifles. russian - Not in combat, deadpan.
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc3_cheeseburger" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_cheeseburger";

//***Merc 2 Hmph. Americans and their toys. You can't replace. training and fighting spirit with mere gadgets. The new Russian President thinks the same way as the Americans. It's disgraceful. russian - Conversational, calm, unsuspecting
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino";

//***Merc 1 Agreed. But it is still a cause for concern. Makarov is offering a bounty for the capture of one of these devices.
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc1_paywell" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_paywell";

//***Merc 2 If such a device exists, then we're going to be cannon fodder - they'll kill us before we even realize what's happening.
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc2_careless" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_careless";

//***Merc 1 True, but the metal in this structure supposedly causes interference for this motion detector, which gives us some chance to fight back
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange";

그 외에 용병들의 각종 대사들. 독일어로 말하는 구간도 존재했었던 모양.

사용되지 않는다고 표시되어 있는 브리칭용 대사들.

mw2 사내 테스트 버전(출시 4개월 전)에서 발견되었다는 

멀티플레이어용 독일 진영 음성으로 아마 독일 진영이 계획되면서

해당 캠페인 미션과 함께 나올 예정이었던 것으로 추정.

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