• [모던워페어2] 모던워페어2 독일 용병 및 독일 진영2021.12.19 PM 09:07

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기


내용 출처: 모던2 스팀판 '더 이상 편한 날은 없다' 미션 스크립트 oilrig.ff via ff viewer 3.0

첨부 영상의 파일 출처(업로더 피셜): 모던2 프리 알파 482 (2009-07-13)


미션 스크립트 oilrig 에는 러시아인이 아닌 독일 용병들의

대사들이 존재함. 지휘자 또한 독일인이었던 것으로 추정.

또한 이들의 대사에서 그들은 마카로프가 고용한 독일 및 이탈리아 쪽

용병이라는 사실을 알 수 있음. 하지만 이 설정은 폐기된 것으로 보임.

한편 출시를 4개월 앞둔 버전에서는 독일 진영의 아나운서 목소리가

존재한다고 하며 내용은 영상과 같다고 알려짐.

//ENEMY COMMAND (German radio): Team one patroling the perimeter. We've got two on the lower deck.
//level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_enc_lowerdeck" ] = "oilrig_enc_lowerdeck";

//ENEMY COMMAND (German radio): Switch patrols at 08:00. Teams three, five and seven will return to the crew quarters on deck 3.
//level.scr_sound[ "oilrig_enc_switchpatrols" ] = "oilrig_enc_switchpatrols";

//level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "cliff_pri_pubcrawl" ] = "cliff_pri_pubcrawl";

//MERC 1 (in German): Those unfiltered pieces of shit will kill you.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_killyou" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_killyou";

//MERC 1 (in German): Alright, give me one.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_givemeone" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_givemeone";

//MERC 2 (in German): Fuck off.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_foff" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_foff";

//MERC 1 (in German): This sea air makes me sick. Prefered the last job. Private security in a limo all day.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_limoallday" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_limoallday";

//MERC 2 (in German): You complain too much.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_complain" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_complain";

//MERC 1 (in German): yeah, well, not as much as the Italians. Who hired those lazy f■cks anyways? Did you see that one guy the other day? Didn't even know how to clean his gun.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_theitalians" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_theitalians";

//MERC 1 (in German): Yeah, too much spent on gear but no clue how to use it.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_noclue" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_noclue";

//You know what they call a cheesburger in Russian?
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_cheeseburger" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_cheeseburger";

//You've got to be kidding me. You think this is a Tarantino movie or something?
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino";

//(laughs) Alright, well at least the Russians pay well. I was hesitant to take the job till I saw the bottom line. I don't know where their financing comes from, but I don't really care either. Still...they're pretty damn secretive.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_paywell" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_paywell";

//As long as I get paid, I could care less. They can be as secretive as they like. It's none of my business what their politics are.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_player" ][ "oilrig_mrc2_careless" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_careless";

//(YAWNS) How much longer until the patrol changes. I've gotta take a piss.
level.scr_sound[ "hostile_stealthkill_friendly" ][ "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange";

//***Merc 1 The Americans have a new kind of scanning device that detects movement. It attaches to their rifles. russian - Not in combat, deadpan.
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc3_cheeseburger" ] = "oilrig_mrc3_cheeseburger";

//***Merc 2 Hmph. Americans and their toys. You can't replace. training and fighting spirit with mere gadgets. The new Russian President thinks the same way as the Americans. It's disgraceful. russian - Conversational, calm, unsuspecting
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_tarantino";

//***Merc 1 Agreed. But it is still a cause for concern. Makarov is offering a bounty for the capture of one of these devices.
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc1_paywell" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_paywell";

//***Merc 2 If such a device exists, then we're going to be cannon fodder - they'll kill us before we even realize what's happening.
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc2_careless" ] = "oilrig_mrc2_careless";

//***Merc 1 True, but the metal in this structure supposedly causes interference for this motion detector, which gives us some chance to fight back
level.scr_radio[ "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange" ] = "oilrig_mrc1_patrolchange";

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