• [::추천 음악+영상 ::] 루나 이터널 블루 -루시아 테마-2012.05.31 PM 04:24

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

When i was along as one
My eyes where as blind, i know
Sky brilliant with blue elegance
I couldn't behold

When i was alone as one
My heart was as ice, so cold
And whispering sweet melodies
I could not behold

Sihgt to my eyes and warmth to my heart
Your love has been such to me
Come closer now and strenghen my leaning
Toward love to heal all my wounds

When our hearts would beat in time
There's magic in your smile
It seems there's nothing we can't do

and within your warm embrace
My heart will find a place
Even from afar

Our love forever shall be


When i was along as one
My eyes where as blind, i know
Sky brilliant with blue elegance
I couldn't behold

When i was alone as one
My heart was as ice, so cold
And whispering sweet melodies
I could not behold

Sihgt to my eyes and warmth to my heart
Your love has been such to me
Come closer now and strenghen my leaning
Toward love to heal all my wounds

When our hearts would beat in time
There's magic in your smile
It seems there's nothing we can't do

and within your warm embrace
My heart will find a place
Even from afar

Our love forever shall be


When our hearts would beat in time
There's magic in your smile
I know there's nothing we can't do

And within your warm embrace
My heart will find a place
Even from afar

Our love eternal shall be
댓글 : 2 개
이와다레 노리유키님의 음악을.. 올려주시는 분이 계실줄이야. ㅡㅡ
오옷 루시아 테마.. 참 좋죠...!
아아. 게임아츠의 게임 루나 씨리즈를 아직도 포스팅 하는 분이 있을줄은 ㅠㅠ
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