• [Music] Pendulum @ Reading Festival 2018 (live)2018.10.27 PM 06:54

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기



BBC로 방송됐다는 지난 8월 25일 Reading Festival 펜절럼 라이브 



0:00 - Salt In The Wounds
4:43 - Witchcraft
9:05 - Blood Sugar
14:00 - The Island - Pt.1 (Dawn)
19:16 - The Island - Pt.2 (Dusk)
21:21 - Granite
26:33 - Propane Nightmares
32:38 - Tarantula
37:20 - Begin Again (Knife Party)
43:20 - Hold Your Colour
49:49 - Watercolour


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