• [Game] GemCraft Labyrinth2011.12.20 AM 11:53

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기
LINK : //cache.armorgames.com/files/games/gemcraft-labyrinth-10317.swf


Click on spell buttons, click to place buildings, drag gems to where you need them.
Almost everything can be done with the mouse, but there are also some shortcut keys:

T - Build tower
R - Build trap
A - Build amplifier
L - Build lightning shrine
C - Build charged bolts shrine
W - Build wall

G - Combine gems
B - Throw gem bomb
M - Extend mana pool
Q - Freeze/unfreeze time
N - Send next wave instantly
X - Refund mana from gem
D - Duplicate gem
U - Upgrade (duplicate+combine) gem
I - Enable/disable info panels
1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 - Create gem
P or Esc - Go to the Options screen

Ctrl-click on a wave stone to send all waves
Shift-click on a gem to change target priority
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