• [닥터 후 뉴스] BBC Entertainment 닥터후시즌8 이번주 말 편성표2014.09.23 PM 09:39

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이번주 방영될 닥터후 시즌8
에피소드 6화 The Caretaker (관리원)과
지난 에피소드 5화 Time Heist (시간 강도)의 소식입니다

9 / 28일


Doctor Who
Series 8, Episode 5
The Doctor and Clara's adventures continue in the new series of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who
Series 8, Episode 6
The Doctor and Clara's adventures continue in the new series of Doctor Who.
9 / 29일

Doctor Who
Series 8, Episode 6
The Doctor and Clara's adventures continue in the new series of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who
Series 8, Episode 6
The Doctor and Clara's adventures continue in the new series of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who
Series 8, Episode 5
The Doctor and Clara's adventures continue in the new series of Doctor Who.

Doctor Who
Series 8, Episode 6
The Doctor and Clara's adventures continue in the new series of Doctor Who.
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