Basketball legend Michael Jordan has put up his mansion in Chicago for sale.
The price of the house is $29,000,000.
The place has 9 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms and 4 showers.
There are also 5 mantelpieces, open tennis court, golf filed, deep pond, swimming pool,
3 air-conditioned garages with 15 cars and, of course, a full-size basketball court.
농구계의 전설은 아니고 레전드 조단 흏의 저택을 단돈 2,900만 달러에 구입할 수 있는 기회!
..2,900만원도 아니고 2,900만 달러 -_-;;
그나저나 리빙 레전드의 저택인데 나름 메리트 있는 건가..