Iori(Ura) or Leona(Ura) appear as CPU (Arcade/Single Play Only).
To fight Orochi Leona or Orochi Iori you will need to have between 6 and 9 Super Finishers (K.O. the opponent with a Desperation or Super Desperation Move) and you can't lose a single round before the 4th match. If you get too many Super Finishers, you will fight Rugal instead (no achievement).
초필살기를 6~9번 사이로 마무리 해야됨
너무 많이 사용하면 오히려 루갈이 나와버림
스팀 사용하면 커뮤니티 검색해보세요
모든 도전과제 전부 다 나옴