• [ 【헬스이야기】] 초급 헬스 이야기 79 : 운동전에 고려해야할 4가지2023.12.05 PM 03:00

게시물 주소 FONT글자 작게하기 글자 키우기

운동전에 고려해야할 4가지

(제이커틀러 메일 임의번역)


1. 타이밍

언제 운동하는지에 대해 생각해볼 것.

예를 들어 첫끼만 먹은 후에 운동을 한다면

운동 전후에 탄수화물 보충에 신경써야 함.

대체로 오전에 클리코겐 수치가 낮음.

저녁에 운동한다면

여전히 에너지원(탄수화물)이 필요하지만

비교적 음식 섭취가 급하진 않음.

2. 소화

음식을 먹은 후 충분히 소화할 필요가 있음.

소화가 편하다 해도 45분 정도이며

일반적으로 60분에서 90분 정도 후에 운동할 것.

3. 소금

소금은 체내 수분을 잡아주기 때문에

운동 퍼포먼스에 도움이 됨.

쥐나는데도 도움이 됨.

특히 종아리 운동 때 주요.

4. 수분

특히 아침 운동하는 사람에게 중요.

운동 한시간 정도 전 충분한 수분 섭취는

운동 퍼포먼스에 도움이 됨.

펌핑감에도 도움이 됨.

또한 회복에 중요한

양분흡수(nutrient uptake)에도 도움이 됨.

* 자신이 필요한 양분은 흡수하고 불필요한 성분은 흡수를 적게하는 선택적 흡수

댓글 : 1 개

The pre-workout window is a big deal for those who are focused on getting the absolute most from their training and diet - if you really care about results and maximizing your potential, you need to read this #JayMail...

#1 Consider Workout Timing

Think about what time of day you train, whether it is first thing in the morning, after one meal in the morning or later in the evening. This could make a difference in how you set your diet up, like Cutler Club members see with the Shred Plan and Mass Plan diet guides.

For example, if you are training after one meal, it is more important to get some carbs in before and after that workout because your glycogen levels are lower in the AM.

If you are training later at night, you will again need carbs either side, but the urgency in terms of quantity/speed of ingestion may not be as drastic if you have already had several meals.

#2 Give Time To Digest

I always say this - give your body time to digest the food you're eating before training, this is huge! Don't quickly force food down just before going to the gym, you will be lethargic and probably start feeling sick if you push hard in the workout.

45 minutes is the minimum time if the meal you're having is super digestion, you may need more like 60-90 minutes.

#3 Think About Salt

Salt is a natural electrolyte which means it naturally helps bring more water into the muscle cell. This is awesome for performance, fighting fatigue in the gym and getting pumped!

Considering sprinkling a little salt over your pre-workout meal, you will probably notice the difference. It can also help reduce the risk of muscle cramps which is probably particularly beneficial on the day you train calves!

#4 Get Hydrated

If you are training in the morning you will be slightly dehydrated, so this is even more important for you. However, getting yourself really hydrated an hour before training is really smart because it supports performance.

Something else it does is give you a CRAZY pump because the extra water causes the muscle you're training to swell up! Consider this might also support nutrient uptake in that muscle, which is super important for recovery as well as performance.
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