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[ETC] 에일리언웨어 클린설치 방법 (2) 2015/08/08 PM 02:03
****Regarding WebCam****
Frequently we have folks ask where the webcam driver is so they can download it. The webcam does not require a device driver. It uses the microsoft driver. For the webcam software which came pre-installed with your system, see below, item #15.

1. Chipset Driver
2. USB 3.0 Driver (11xR3, 14x, 17xR3, 18x only)
3. Intel RST Driver / Intel Management Engine
4. Freefall Sensor Driver (Optional - many members choose not to install this. Also, as long as your drive supports it, the 'App' will work with aftermarket drivers)
5. Alienware On-Screen Display Driver

6. INTEL/AMD/NVIDIA Display Driver
Optimus systems require the Intel Driver be installed prior to the NV Driver. So if you have an M11xR2/R3, M14x or M17xR3, install the Intel Driver FIRST.

If you have a 17xR3 with 3D option, Optimus does not apply to you and the Intel driver is not needed

For M17xR3 with AMD, install the AMD Display Driver. AMD owners report the Intel HD Graphics driver is included with the AMD installer.

For M18x with AMD,
If you are unable to switch between the AMD GPUs and the iGPU (Intel HD 3000), try the following:

1. FN+F7 to initiate the GPU switch call.

You will be greeted by a dialog box:

BinaryGFX Keypress Detected. Choose Yes to continue (a system reboot is required) or No to cancel.
2. Select 'Yes' and the system will shutdown.
3. Once the shutdown has completed, power up the system.
4. When you are back at the desktop, run the IntelHD driver installer (grab it from the M18x Driver Download page - linked earlier in this post).
5. Once the driver is installed, reboot and when you return to the desktop, hit FN+F7 again (dialog box will display).
6. Select 'Yes' to switch and the system will again shutdown.
7. Once you power back up you will again be in discrete mode (AMD GPUs active).

Done - iGPU driver has been installed.

7. LAN Driver
8. Wireless Network Driver
9. Audio Driver
10. Bluetooth Driver
11. Touchpad Driver
12. Media Card Reader Driver
13. Remote Control/Infrared Driver (Older systems - M15x, M17xR1/R2)

14. Alienware Command Center
NOTE: Command Center should always be installed last.

15. Log in over @ to grab any apps which came bundled with your system that were not included on the Resource DVD. Webcam application is one of them.



무지개목장갑    친구신청

11xR3, 14x, 17xR3, 18x only 이면 옛날 것들 아닌가요? 요즘 R13? 15 ? 17 에코 2 이던데

SeedLesS    친구신청

그렇죠. 근데 일반적으로 통용되는 방법인거 같아서 스크랩 했습니다.
[ETC] 또 베스트 등극~ (0) 2015/08/08 AM 11:02

잡스러운 사진들인데 그래도 오른쪽 가니 기분 좋군요


[ETC] 월드오브 워쉽 재밌네요. (1) 2015/08/01 PM 11:26

아시아서버 베타에 참여중인데 일단 전함 포성이~ 어마어마한게 스피커 볼륨이빠이 올리고 하니까
가슴을 울리는게 재밌네요.



의사양반    친구신청

이제 꿈에서도 어뢰 경보음이 들릴겁니다
[ETC] 파나소닉 디카 셔터 카운트 확인법 (1) 2015/08/01 AM 12:07
Panasonic LX shot count
The Panasonic Lumix LX series of premium compact cameras has been highly appreciated for its larger-than-average sensors and its fast Leica-branded lenses. These advanced compacts are very well built and can provide good services for a long time. Yet, when buying or selling a used LX100, LX7, LX5 or LX3, it is often useful to know the number of actuations the camera has performed, as this information can provide an indication on how intensively it has been used. While the cameras use a numbering system for the images they store on the memory card, this counter is not strictly sequential, as it omits large quantities of numbers after certain intervals (in particular, when a new folder is created on the card). Luckily, the true shutter count is stored inside the Panasonic LX3 shutter count
Service menu (LX3) []cameras memory and can be retrieved by accessing hidden service menus, which are mainly intended for camera service personnel. Since apart from design and firmware the Leica D-Lux cameras are identical to their LX-cousins, they provide the same options to retrieve the actual shutter count from within the camera memory.
The procedure to obtain the number of actuations differs slightly between (groups of) cameras. The multiple steps to retrieve the shutter count for the LX or D-LUX cameras are outlined in distinct sections below. Corresponding information for the FZ and G series of Lumix cameras can be found, respectively, on the Panasonic FZ actuations count and G-series shutter count pages. Some steps involve pressing several buttons simultaneously, which can be tricky, but is necessary. No problems have been reported to date from accessing the hidden menus, but care should be taken in following the individual steps in proper order. Also, kindly note that you will perform the procedures outlined below at your own risk.
Finding the shutter count on the Panasonic LX100 and the Leica D-Lux (Typ 109)
With your camera's battery well charged, perform the following steps in sequence:
Insert a memory card into the card slot;
Turn the camera ON and take a picture;
Turn the camera OFF;
Select single shot mode;
Press and hold simultaneously the DISPLAY, AF/AE LOCK, and RIGHT ARROW buttons, while turning the camera ON;
Now, press and hold the AF/AE LOCK button together with the MENU/SET and LEFT ARROW buttons;
Repeat the last step, that is, press and hold the AF/AE LOCK button while pressing the MENU/SET and LEFT ARROW buttons. A two-page operation history display will appear;
Press DISPLAY to toggle between the two information menus;
Write down the number next to PWRCNT. This is how many times the camera has been powered up;
Write down the number next to SHTCNT. This is the shutter activation count;
Write down the number next to STBCNT. This is the number of times the flash has fired;
Switch the camera off to revert back to normal operating mode.
Congratulations, you have successfully retrieved the information on your camera's shutter actuations!
Finding the shutter count on the Panasonic LX5 and LX7, as well as the Leica D-Lux 5 and D-Lux 6
With your camera's battery well charged, perform the following steps in sequence:
Set the mode dial to P (Program AE mode);
While pressing both the MOVIE and UP buttons simultaneously, turn the camera ON;
Press the MOVIE, MENU/SET and LEFT buttons simultaneously;
Now an Error Code Display appears;
Again, press the MOVIE, MENU/SET and LEFT buttons simultaneously;
Now the Operations History Display appears;
Write down the number next to PWRCNT. This is how many times the camera has been powered up;
Write down the number next to SHTCNT. This is the shutter activation count;
Write down the number next to STBCNT. This is the number of times the flash has fired;
Switch the camera off to revert back to normal operating mode.
Congratulations, you have successfully retrieved the information on your camera's shutter actuations!
Finding the shutter count on the Panasonic LX3 and the Leica D-Lux 4
With your camera's battery well charged, perform the following steps in sequence:
Set the mode dial to P (Program AE mode);
Set the REC/PLAYBACK selector switch to REC;
While pressing both the FOCUS and UP buttons simultaneously, turn the camera ON;
Press the FOCUS, MENU/SET and LEFT buttons simultaneously;
Now an Error Code Display appears;
Again, press the FOCUS, MENU/SET and LEFT buttons simultaneously;
Now the Operations History Display appears;
Write down the number next to PWRCNT. This is how many times the camera has been powered up;
Write down the number next to SHTCNT. This is the shutter activation count;
Write down the number next to STBCNT. This is the number of times the flash has fired;
Write down the number next to PSVCNT. This is the number of times the auto power off has actuated;
Switch the camera off to revert back to normal operating mode.
Congratulations, you have successfully retrieved the information on your camera's shutter actuations!



루리웹-290573225    친구신청

ㅎㅎ 이래 쉬웠던걸 여태 해맸네요 ㅋㅋ
[ETC] 오른쪽 등극~ (2) 2015/07/29 PM 06:46

요즘 오른쪽에 쪼까 자주가는거 같으요~



스타오션3    친구신청

추천 추천! 스타워즈는 추천! 오른쪽 등극 축하드립니다.

SeedLesS    친구신청

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