상체가 크게 흔들리지 않아서..;;
애초에 걸을때도 옆에 있던놈이 유령처럼 걷는다고 할까요 상체 흔들림이 하나도 없다고..
그리고 러닝머신할때 트는 프로는 생각 없이 볼수 있는거 틉니다. 대부분이 방청객의 웃음소리로 때우는 그런거;? 내셔널 지오그래픽 같은거 틀면 보기 힘들죠 당연히;
그리고 운동의 목적을 어디다 두느냐에 따라 다르겠지만 건강을 위해서는 시간메우기 식의 운동도 효과있습니다.
We start our guidelines by saying doing something is better than doing nothing and we’ve done a large randomised trial, 464 post-menopausal women tightly controlled exercise, all exercise in the lab measuring every heart beat, every step, we know exactly what these women were doing and we had one group, it was the control and it was keep the same habits you had, one group that did the guideline recommendation 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity, one group did half of that, so about 75 minutes of moderate and then one group did 225 minutes of moderate and we see a linear trend across those categories. So 150 minutes of moderate that’s a good target to aim for, but if you only get 75 you’re still going to get benefit and if you get 225 or 300 you will get more benefit. But I don’t think we should tell people that it was progressive in the sense that you just have to keep more and more and more to get any benefit. Hit that target, 150 minutes a week, keep doing that the rest of your life and you’ll have a lot of health benefit from that.
똥싸는것도 밥먹는것도 아닌게 되어버리는 경우랑 비슷하죠.
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