Exige S240
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[Music&Video] I Monster - Hey Mrs. (0) 2011/02/11 PM 03:01

Hey Mrs. Grey
Are you awake yet ?
Your beauty sleep is just a dream
Those lines on your face
They tell your story
So now it's time for laser beam

Ah look at you
A thousand miles above the ground
You're not coming down
Ah what a view
You drift about
You're spinning down
You're not coming down

Hey Mr. Blue
You feeling randy ?
Do you still flirt with her next door ?
Wearing that dress
Nicked from your mother
It does not fit you anymore

Ah look at you
A thousand miles above the ground
You're not coming down
Ah what a view
You drift about
You're spinning down
You're not coming down

Hey Mrs. Green
Who's that you're out with ?
He's twenty five, but not your son
Show him your bits
It's what you're there for
This woman's weekly keeps you young

Ah look at you
A thousand miles above the ground
You're not coming down
Ah what a view
You drift about
You're spinning down
You're not coming down
