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[번역] 포니노래 - Most Wonderful of Nights (0) 2013/01/28 PM 09:15
Aftermath - Most Wonderful of Nights [feat. Princess Luna]

We have been locked away
우리는 갇혀있었지

for a thousand years.

I am the princess of the night,
나는 밤의 공주야,

thus it is my duty to come into your dreams.
그래서 내가 너의 꿈에 찾아오는게 나의 의무지.

they have never liked us,
그들은 우릴 좋아한적이 없어,

and they never shall.
앞으로도 그럴거고.

(The fun has been doubled.)
(즐거움이 두배가 되었도다.)

I'm so sorry,
너무 미안해,

I missed you so much big sister
난 언니가 너무 그리웠어

Oh, most wonderful of nights.
오, 가장 아름다운 밤이야.
