접속 : 2851   Lv. 45




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  • 전체 : 1086757 명
  • Mypi Ver. 0.3.1 β
[음악 이야기] ♬ 추억의 스캣맨 노래! 삐빠빠 빠라뽀~♪ 빠빠 빠라뽀~♪ (4) 2015/01/23 AM 11:08

♬ Scatman (1995년 곡)
- Scatman John

I'm the Scatman
I'm the Scatman
Everybody stutters one way
or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact don't let
nothin' hold you back
If the Scatman can do it
so can you
Everybody's sayin' that the
Scatman stutters
But doesn't ever
stutter when he sings
But what you don't know
I'm gonna tell you right now
That the stutter and the scat is
the same thing
Yo I'm the Scatman
Where's the Scatman?
I'm the Scatman
Why should we be pleasin' all
the politician heathens
Who would try to change the
seasons if they could?
The state of the condition
insults my intuitions
And it only makes me crazy
and my heart like wood
Everybody stutters one way
or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact don't let
nothin' hold you back
If the Scatman can do it
brother so can you
I'm the Scatman
Everybody stutters one way
or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact don't let
nothin' hold you back
If the Scatman can do it brother
so can you
I hear you all ask 'bout the
meaning of scat
Well I'm the professor and
all I can tell you is
While you're still sleepin'
the saints are still weepin'
Things you call dead haven't
yet had the chance to be born
I'm the Scatman
I'm the Scatman
Where's scat man?
I'm the Scatman
repeat after me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie
scoobie doobie melody
I'm the Scatman
sing a long with me
It's a scoobie oobie doobie
scoobie doobie melody
I'm the Scatman
I'm the Scatman

* 그 시절 "누네띠네" 광고;; ㅋ

♬ 뮤직셰프의 [음악 이야기] 트랙모음 (클릭!) ♬



風林火山    친구신청

좋아했던 가수.

늦게찾은 재능 다 쓰지도 못하고 너무 일찍 가셨음...

scatman's world 레알 명곡입니다.

게임셰프    친구신청

전성기때 암으로 돌아가셨다고 들었습니다. ㅠㅠ
레알명곡 scatman's world 도 말씀덕분에 오랜만에 잘 들었습니다. ^^

plant42    친구신청

사실인지 아닌지는 몰라도 말더듬으로 일상생활에 불편함을 겪으셨다는데..
음악의 힘은 위대합니다..

게임셰프    친구신청

자신의 말더듬 장애를 음악을 통해 재능으로 승화시키신 분이죠. ~_~
실제로 어렸을 때 장애를 앓으셨다고 합니다.