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[음악 이야기] ♬ Susan Bell - My Only Star / 신나는 이니셜D 유로비트! (4) 2016/02/25 AM 06:20

♬ My Only Star
- Susan Bell

when you are dancing I realize
that you're the guy that I'll love forever
you keep on dancing I see the light
the light is shining thru

this is my life
when you're dancing I see I'm alive
and I'm feeling good inside I need to groove tonite
and true, I wanna dance and look for you

you can be my only star
dance with me we're together
you can be my only star
shine for me and forever

you are my star and you dance for me
you are my baby who's mine forever
'cos when I met you we both could see
I'm bound to be with you

this is my life
when you're dancing I see I'm alive
and I'm feeling good inside I need to groove tonite
and true, I wanna dance and look for you

you can be my only star
dance with me we're together
you can be my only star
shine for me and forever

when you are dancing I realize
that you're the guy that I'll love forever
you keep on dancing I see the light
the light is shining thru

this is my life
when you're dancing I see I'm alive
and I'm feeling good inside I need to groove tonite
and true, I wanna dance and look for you

you can be my only star
dance with me we're together

you can be my only star
dance with me we're together
you can be my only star
shine for me and forever

you can be my only star
you can be my only star

you can be my only star
dance with me we're together
you can be my only star
shine for me and forever

* 카드캡터 사쿠라 버전. ㅎㅎ

* 비트매니아 리믹스

♬ 뮤직셰프의 [음악 이야기] 트랙모음 (클릭!) ♬



지수남편    친구신청

한때 이니셜D에 빠져서 케이스케의 FD를 정말 갖고싶어서 중고매물알아봤었죠~ㅋㅋㅋ

근데 로터리엔진의 유지비에 GG친건 함정~ㅋㅋㅋ

게임셰프    친구신청

유지비 결코 무시할 수 없는 거죠 ㅠㅠ

케오K    친구신청

운전할 때 들으면 안되는 노래:D

게임셰프    친구신청

갑자기 드리프트를 똬악! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ