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[흥미로운 것들] 스티브 잡스의 'Bozo Explosion' (0) 2022/05/15 PM 07:08




"스티브잡스가 맥팀을 운영하며 깨달은 것은 A급 선수일수록 A급 선수들과 일하고 싶어한다는 사실이었다. 그래서 재능이 떨어지는 사람들을 퇴출시키는 것이 자신과 지도부의 역할이라고 말했다. 잡스는 A급 인재가 아닌 이들이 회사에 남아 있을 때 발생하는 이른바 '집단 저열화' 현상을 막기 위해 애썼다.

- 로버트 브루스 쇼 저 『워커사우루스』- 



“A players hire A+ players. Actually, Steve believed that A players hire A players—that is people who are as good as they are. I refined this slightly — my theory is that A players hire people even better than themselves. It’s clear, though, that B players hire C players so they can feel superior to them, and C players hire D players. If you start hiring B players, expect what Steve called “the bozo explosion” to happen in your organization.”

- Guy Kawasaki in a blog entitled,”What l learnt from Steve Jobs.” -

"Let your company be always, where possible, better than yourself; and when you have the misfortune to move amongst your inferiors, bear in mind this seriously, that if you do not seize the apt occasion to draw them up to your level—which requires wisdom as well as love—they will certainly not be slow to drag you down to theirs."

- John Stuart Blackie -
