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[경제] 소프트웨어와 중후장대의 동반랠리 (KB증권) (0) 2022/11/16 PM 09:51


2023년 주식 전망 (KB증권)





- KB증권 주식 전략 이은택 - 



중국 수뇌부 입장이 반영되는 인민망 칼럼에 '게임 산업의 가치를 발굴해야 한다'고 언급하며 본토와 홍콩 게임주 일제히 강세. 16일 칼럼에서 디지털 경제 발전과 대중 여가 측면에서 성장해야할 산업이라고 표현.

>人民财评:深度挖掘电子游戏产业价值机不可失 (http://opinion.people.com.cn/n1/2022/1116/c1003-32567540.html): 人民网16日发布评论文章称,在我国,长期以来,电子游戏的娱乐属性总会使人忽视其背后的科技意义。与数字经济相伴相生的游戏,也已从大众娱乐需要成长为一个新产业。实际上,游戏从诞生起就与前沿科技密不可分。凭借蓬勃的发展态势,游戏产业也助力多个产业释放数字经济新动能。在当下,游戏科技在助力5G、芯片产业、人工智能等先进技术、产业发展中起到了重要的作用。在其他国家和国际科技巨头抓紧抢占先机布局的背景下,对于电子游戏产业,我们应予以更为客观、多元的认知。加强战略谋划,注重长远布局。在推进电子游戏产业健康发展的同时,监管和发展并重,促进其不断释放经济、文化与科技新价值。


People's net published a commentary article on the 16th, said that in China, the entertainment attributes of video games will always make people ignore its scientific and technological significance for a long time. Games that go hand in hand with the digital economy have grown from mass entertainment to a new industry. In fact, games have been inextricably linked to cutting-edge technology since their inception. With its vigorous development, the game industry has also helped unleash new momentum in the digital economy. Nowadays, game technology plays an important role in the development of 5G, chip industry, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. Under the background of other countries and international technology giants scrambling to seize the lead, we should give more objective and diversified understanding to the video game industry. Strengthen strategic planning and pay attention to long-term layout. While promoting the healthy development of video game industry, supervision and development should be combined to promote its continuous release of new economic, cultural and scientific values.



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