LIVE FROM BLIZZCON - Warcraft expansion - Creatures include giants, new larger/stronger ogres, lion like beasts, dragon-flies, and flying demon like creatures.
LIVE FROM BLIZZCON - Warcraft expansion: Gerosh will be put on trial but before justice is served, he escapes. Gerosh's friend has the ability to bend time. Gerosh now hates the horde. Gerosh wants to restore the orcish ideal as he sees it. He wants to stop the moment when the orcs drank blood that cursed them. He wants to build an iron army. He is going to build a different type of horde. A dark portal will be built where the iron horde will go through it.
Gerosh is not the boss of the expansion set. He is heavily involved in the story though.
This expansion pack will directly connect to the next expansion pack. Blizzard already knows the stories of all the future expansions (more or less).
Draenor is a brand new continent which was the home of the orcs. There are 7 new zones and giants.
Heroes are here to defeat the iron horde.
Draenor as big as outland.
New clans in expansion.
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