A : Incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy.
B : You're right. Many people are switching to energy efficient light bulbs.
B : It is brighter and use less energy.
A : Plus, they last much longer don't they.
B : Yeah. I think they do.
A : They are a bit more expensive though, aren't they?
B : Yes they are. But you actually save money because they use less electricity.
A : Do you have energy efficient light bulbs at home?
B : Yes. most of lighting is fluorescent light bulbs
B : I put energy efficient blubs on the lamps
A : Good for you. Where do you buy those bulbs?
B : I bought mine online
B : It's cheaper if you buy them in bulk.
Incandescent light bulb : 백열전구
Fluorescent light bulb : 형광등
last much longer : 수명이 오래가다.
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