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[음악] 손에 손잡고 뮤직비됴. 북미판 [가사포함] (1) 2008/05/24 AM 02:45

See the fire in the sky
We feel the beating of our hearts together
This is our time to rise above
We know the chance is here to live forever
For all time
Hand in Hand we standAll across the land
We can make this world
A better place in which to live
Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time
Everytime we give it all
We feel the flame eternally inside us
Lift our hands up to the sky
The morning calm helps us to live in harmony
For all time
Hand in hand we stand
All across the roadWe can make this world
A better place in which to live
Hand in Hand we can
Start to understand
Breaking down the walls
That come between us for all time
Breaking down the walls between us
Hand in Hand

한국어 버젼

하늘 높이 솟는 불
See the fire in the sky
우리의 가슴 고동치게 하네
We feel the beating of our hearts together
이제 모두 다 일어나
This is our time to rise above
영원히 함께 살아가야 할 길
We know the chance is here to live forever
For all time
손에 손잡고
Hand in Hand we stand
벽을 넘어서
All across the land
우리 사는 세상 더욱 살기 좋도록
We can make this world a better place in which to live
손에 손잡고
Hand in Hand we can
벽을 넘어서
Start to understand
서로 서로 사랑하는 한마음 되자
Breaking down the walls That come between us for all time

어디서나 언제나
Everytime we give it all
우리의 가슴 불타게 하자
We feel the flame eternally inside us
하늘 향해 팔벌려
Lift our hands up to the sky
고요한 아침 밝혀주는 평화
The morning calm helps us to live in harmony
For all time
손에 손잡고
Hand in Hand we stand
벽을 넘어서
All across the land
우리 사는 세상 더욱 살기 좋도록
We can make this world a better place in which to live
손에 손잡고
Hand in Hand we can
벽을 넘어서
Start to understand
서로 서로 사랑하는 한마음 되자
Breaking down the walls That come between us for all time

손에 손잡고
Hand in Hand we stand
벽을 넘어서
All across the land
우리 사는 세상 더욱 살기 좋도록
We can make this world a better place in which to live
손에 손잡고
Hand in Hand we can
벽을 넘어서
Start to understand
서로 서로 사랑하는 한마음 되자
Breaking down the walls That come between us for all time
Hand in Hand



LarQuiem    친구신청

오 완전좋아 ~ 따라불렀네요~ ㅋㅋ