Cirrus MYPI

접속 : 6053   Lv. 91




  • 오늘 : 1184 명
  • 전체 : 1010996 명
  • Mypi Ver. 0.3.1 β
[Junk box] 이거 트로피 획득법 조언 영문 번역좀 부탁드립니다.;; (4) 2014/11/11 PM 11:54
[Generall Historie of Plantes]
If delight may provoke men's labour, what greater delight is there than to behold the earth apparelled with plants?

This is probably the hardest trophy to get. For this trophy you have to see every type of plant and tree in every season. Since there is no way of knowing if you've seen every plant in every season, this can take some time to unlock. Since every island is randomly generated, there is no roadmap to follow but I can give you some hints:
?Visit the big tree, the graveyard, and the beach every season.

?Circle around the island until you think you have seen everything and then proceed to the next season.

?In the Fall season, make sure to visit the graveyard so you have seen the red roses. Also don't forget to check if you have seen the mushrooms.

?In the Winter season, walk to the beach to look at the seaweed and the trophy should unlock if you've done everything right. Remember to do this as soon as you can, because after a while you'll start floating into the sky, making this trophy missable.

?Go to your Field of View in the options menu and change it to 110 which is the maximum. This will allow you to expand your Field of View, making this trophy easier to get. You can't change this setting if you are playing it on a PS Vita, so it is recommended to play it on a PS3.

다 번역 안해도되고 팁만 간단히 좀..ㅠㅠ
울나라에서 완전 인지도 아웃이라 공략도 없네여 ㅠㅠ



김꼴통    친구신청

- 큰 나무, 묘지, 해변을 매 계절 방문하라

- 당신이 모든 걸(위 세가지 인듯)봤다고 생각할 때 까지 섬을 둘러보고 다음 계절로 진행하라

- 가을에 묘지에서 붉은 장미랑 버섯을 꼭 봐라

- 하라는 대로 다 하면 겨울에 해변가에서 수초를 보는걸로 트로피가 언락될 것이다. 하늘을 떠다니기 시작하면 이 트로피를 따는게 거지같아지기 떄문에 가능한 빨리 하라

- 옵션 메뉴로 가서 시야를 최대인 110으로 맞추면 트로피 따기가 더 쉬워진다. 이 방법은 비타에서는 안되니까 플스3로 하는걸 추천한다.

...라네요. 뭔 게임이지?

Cirrus    친구신청

프로테우스에요 ㅎㅎ;;

☆모래마녀☆    친구신청

아마 flower..?

Cirrus    친구신청
